Monday, September 8, 2014

Praying my way through

I decided that it was time for me to update everyone on what's been going on with me. In September of 2013 (9-17-13) I had bilateral mastectomies done because I was diagnosed with Triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma, breast cancer. On February 19th 2014 I completed 4 sessions of Adriamycin and Cytoxin as well as 4 sessions of Taxol chemotherapy drugs, these are standard of care chemo drugs for breast cancer. After that chemo regimen I was ready for radiation treatment. I went in to get scanned 3 months after chemo and got hit with a recurrence and metastatic breast cancer to the lungs and possible bone!!! Needless to say I was taken aback by this information, I had to regroup and gather myself. I said "Lord, I just went back to work after being off for six months and now this again"  God answered me by saying, "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God, But the very hairs of your head are all numbered, do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrow" Luke 12: 6-7. I knew then that it was going to be alright.

From that diagnosis I've gone through some things. I immediately began a new treatment to see if there would a positive response. The chemo medicine was called Eribulin and I was on that for 2 sessions when my symptoms kept flaring up. I was coughing out of control and had such bad shortness of breath that I was scanned again and that's when they said "you have a pleural effusion" That's when the space that is between your lungs and ribs fills with fluid (pleural fluid). Now I knew why I couldn't walk 2 feet without gasping for air, my lungs were screaming!!!! They then rushed me in STAT to have it tapped to remove the fluid. When the procedure was done they removed a total  of 500ml of fluid from me and let me tell you I felt so much better. Here's a link to what is done during the procedure.
I then was able to resume some of my day to day activities with ease but then 5 days later it was back again and I was back in the hospital. I had to have the same procedure repeated again but this time there was double the fluid! In just 5 days 1000ml of fluid, that's a lot of fluid!!!! The doctors all got together and came up with a plan because I can't keep having this procedure done it was too risky for me. So I agreed to have surgery to have a catheter (tube) placed in the pleural area for me to drain this at home. Surgery was done on July 2nd with a thoracic surgeon performing it. At the time we didn't know how long I would have to have it but I knew it was for the better. Well Thank God I received it because it immediately started helping me and now only 2 months later it can be removed because the space has no more fluid in it and it hasn't produce fluid since July 23rd Praise the Lord!!!
At the present time I am happy to say that I will continue with this new regimen of Chemo meds, Gemcitabine and carboplatin and God is working it out for his glory. I am tolerating the treatments and managing the side effects.. I have side effects of course because now I have to watch my blood sugar because of the steroids I'm on and I have pain management. The best way for me is my faith in God along with his peace that he so freely gives me, I just BELIVE!!!!!

Rejoice in the Hope of Experiencing God's Favor 

The Bible is full of hope-filled promises for you and me. We have access to God's presence. He wants to heal us of our diseases. He will supply all our needs. There are so many more, too many to count! That's why it's so sad when Christians miss out on God's promises due to lack of faith. 

Here's the question: Are you expecting those promises? Good things begin to happen to you when you rejoice in the hope of experiencing God's favor on a regular basis. 

Luke 2:52 (AMP) tells us that "Jesus increased in...favor with God and man." You and I access the favor of God by faith. We can increase in that favor and experience His promises just like Jesus. Even if you don't see those things in your life now, you can rejoice and put your hope in God, knowing that they will come. 

Everything that is promised in the Bible is for us. So rejoice in the hope of experiencing God's glory right now and He will make incredible things happen in your life. 

Prayer: God, I expect and rejoice in Your promises for me. I believe that You can bring to pass everything that I'm promised in Your Word. 
In Jesus's name, Amen.

Peace and blessings