Monday, September 2, 2013

Finding out you have breast cancer

Well it's been a long, long time since I've written on here. Why am I writing now you may ask? I have a new development going on in my life and I want to document my journey.
As you may or may not know  I have a  daughter who is almost 5 years old  a loving husband and I was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. What this means is that I have cancer in the ducts of my breast that has invaded or moved into the surrounding breast tissue. First and foremost I want to thank God for giving me the strength to cope with this situation in my life and for having a supportive husband. I believe that my faith in the Lord has allowed me to know that this is only for a season and for his Glory!!!!!!
This all began with an incidental touch of my breast. I was on my way home and about to readjust my uniform shirt when I felt a lump on my breast. I quickly got in my car and resumed a self breast exam. What I noticed was that the lump was not easily found and that I had to be in a certain position to feel it. I called a doctor that I knew specialized in women's breast care immediately and scheduled to have a mammogram and ultrasound done to determine what the next step should be. Once the mammogram and ultrasound were performed I knew that a biopsy was required. While I waited for the appointed time to have my biopsy done I prayed and asked God for guidance and peace. The type of biopsy I had done is called a stereotactic needle biopsy. This is done with the assistance of a mammogram and a  computer with me the patient laying face down on the procedure table. All in all for me it didn't hurt I just felt pressure on the area being biopsied and it only took 45 minutes for the whole procedure. I was able to resume most of my normal activities for that day just no heavy lifting for 24 hours. I was able to take my daughter to the zoo with her friends we had a ball.

I do not intend to let this obstacle keep me down I intend to be strong, diligent, faithful, prayerful and joyful during it all.

Peace, Love and Blessings

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