Thursday, September 12, 2013

Date with surgery

I now have a date for surgery. The big day is Tuesday September 17th. It feels as if  I've been waiting forever to get this date. Since I was diagnosed IT SEEMS as if I've been waiting forever to have surgery but it hasn't been that long at all. I was diagnosed on August 21st and have had appointments with plastic surgeons, oncologists and breast specialists. The plastic surgeon went over what my options were for reconstruction. Option 1 is using abdominal skin and fat that's called a tram flap option 2 is having breast implants.. Well at first I wanted option 1 because I thought "this is great I can get a tummy tuck at the same time" then the doctor told me that I did not have enough belly fat or skin plus the surgery takes about 6-8 hours.I was dumbfounded, firstly because she said I didn't have enough fat and second the length of time you're in surgery plus recovery from such a massive operation. Here's some more info on having a tram flap.
So then option 2 became my choice because I don't want to be out commission any longer than I have to be. With getting the implants you first get what are called expanders, they help to stretch the muscle and skin in preparation for your actual saline implants.You keep the expanders for about 6months then you have them swapped out for the implants.Here's more info on implants for reconstruction.

Now that the reconstructive aspect was settled I had to speak with the oncologist about the treatment aspect. We discussed the fact that this is an invasive  ductal carcinoma and that I am young and being aggressive is my best bet for being rid of this. So it was decided that I would receive chemo therapy. I will go into more detail about my chemo therapy when I get there. Saying that, I've already had a test in preparation for the chemo it's called a muga scan. What is that you may ask because I asked that question. It's a way to check how well your heart pumps blood through your body better yet check out this link for a thorough explanation.

Thank you to everyone who is praying for me I truly appreciate it. I will try to update as soon as I am physically able to.

Peace, love and blessings.


  1. Hi There,
    I wanted to give you an encouraging word, firstly I'm sorry to read that you are dealing with cancer, I can't imagine what that is like. I hope your surgery goes very well, that God will lead the surgeons hands. And I admire your spirit to even write about what's happening with you. I don't get the time to read blogs as much as I used to, but do know - someone in England is wishing you well.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Thank you for your encouraging word. I just want to let you know that God is good and surgery went well. I am now home and progressing nicely. My doctors say that everything is moving along better than expected. I plan on blogging regularly to keep everyone informed and to also maybe help someone else in my situation.
      God bless you check back soon.
