Sunday, September 22, 2013

Coming home after surgery

I had surgery on September 18th in the morning and had bilateral mastectomies.
This photo was the morning before surgery. I had my family with me and I believe that makes a world of difference. My surgical team was awesome everyone worked together to obtain the best possible outcome for me. Before I was rolled into surgery there was group prayer so that everything would go according to God's plan. Here is a link to the video of me the morning after I had the mastectomies done,

My next step is my follow up appointment on Monday with my plastic surgeon and the breast surgeon. I haven't had the pathology report yet but at this point I am focusing on the physical healing of my body. Honestly the pain was a lot to deal with in the beginning but once they figure out what works for you it makes things tolerable. So far it's been 3 days since surgery and the only thing I can say is that I nap more that I've ever napped but that is due to the pain meds. I did not however get a pain pump. Some people after this type of surgery receive a pump for pain meds but I received pills. I mean I already have enough drains coming out of my body 4 to be exact 2 on each side.
Every 12 hours I empty them and measure the output and chart it for my plastic surgeon.
Throughout all of this my daughter has been wonderful. I explained it to her in a manner in which she could understand and she said "so mommy you're going to have boo boos on your boobies and I can't squish my face on them?' I said yes that's right baby. She then said that's ok cause boo boos get better. I love her to pieces.
One thing I know for sure is that you need a great support team to help with all of your needs. We as women sometimes don't realize how much we do at home but I am blessed to have a great support team to keep my home rolling at it's normal pace. My daughter has plenty of things to keep her occupied between cousins and friends by the time it's bath time she's tuckered out. I also know that it is the grace of God that keeps everything well.

Peace, love and blessings.

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