Thursday, September 26, 2013

Follow up post mastectomy

I had my first follow up appointment after surgery. First thing I want to discuss is riding in a car. It is a little uncomfortable for me. This city has potholes and bumps in the road, that if you didn't notice them before you sure will notice them now. I rode in the backseat of the car because of the airbag in the front. I wouldn't want the airbag punching me in the chest if we were to have and accident, I'm not saying that my husband is a bad driver but this was something that occurred to me on my trip home from the hospital. So for a few more weeks I will be a backseat driver because I want to be safe can I say "driving miss Daisy" Lol.

I saw the plastic surgeon first her name is Dr. Rasko,  I don't think I mentioned any names before but I asked permission and was given the ok. I have 2 drain tubes on each side of my body below my armpits. They are called JP drains (Jackson-Pratt). The reason for having surgical drains is to prevent blood and lymphatic fluid buildup under my skin and to encourage healing. I empty my drains every 12 hours and record the output. I am really praying that I get them removed soon because I am experiencing a bit of discomfort now. What I mean is I feel them in my chest and it is uncomfortable, don't get me wrong there isn't any pain involved I just have a tightness in my chest. If you want more info on JP drains click the link here

I will be seeing the oncologist to discuss my plan of treatment. I know I will be getting chemo but the exact drugs and the start date need to be finalized. Once I have that information I will update here. I will also speak with my oncologist about recording my first session so that you can actually see what happens during my chemo treatment. So until next time,

Peace, Love and Blessings

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