Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall is here!

I just love Autumn. It's the time of year when the weather cools off, the leaves change color and I just feel cozy. So to get ready for this fall season my darling daughter little H and I are going to be going apple picking I love fresh picked apples, hayrides to the pumpkin patch so we can roast the seeds and make one of my fave desserts stewed pumpkin and getting ready for Halloween.
I will also be planting some bulbs this fall in my little garden patch so I'll update you on what and when I plant my bulbs. I think that I will be doing some bulb layering for continuous color from early spring until late summer. So I'll probably plant crocus, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, Asiatic, oriental lilies and maybe one other type of bulb. Let me know if you have any suggestions for planting the bulbs I would love to hear from you.

Our fall leaves last year 2011.

So until next time enjoy some early fall foliage from last year. I think I'm going to go get a pumpkin spice latte to end my day. Peace and blessings.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Introduction blog

Wow this is my first actual blog post. I decided to start blogging so that I can have an outlet for my ideas and share what works for me with other women, wives and mothers. Also so that I can see what what others are doing to make this life easier.
I am a christian woman who loves God first and her family. I strive to live a healthy happy life and hope to make a difference in my darling daughter's life.
I plan on sharing a lot of the crafts that I like to do some of my diy hair and body care recipes and also some random things that occur in my life.
So for now I'm gonna go make a mocha latte and think about my next blog post. Until then peace.