Monday, October 7, 2013

Fighting cancer with Chemo

Now I am in the treatment phase of my journey. I had a long discussion with the oncologist and we went over what my treatment plan will be. I will be having what is called adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy - Chemotherapy given to destroy left-over (microscopic) cells that may be present after the known tumor is removed by surgery.  Adjuvant chemotherapy is given to prevent a possible cancer reoccurrence.
  I will be given a combination of chemo drugs to help prevent the cancer from coming back.

I understand that chemo can be difficult for some individuals but I intend on being as positive as one can be during this time. I pray that I will keep a positive outlook on things while going through this.
The first combination of drugs that I will be given is  Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Both of these drugs work together to combat any residual or microscopic cancer cells that could possibly grow and cause a recurrence. Here is a bit more info on both drugs.

This particular combo will be given to me over an 8-12 week period. I will either receive it once every 2 weeks or once every 3 weeks depending on how I tolerate it. Then after I am done with this treatment I will be given another bout of chemo with a drug called Taxol. Taxol will be given in the same manner as the other 2 chemo drugs.

As with most other chemo drugs there are side effects some of the side effects include nausea, vomiting and hair loss. To help combat this I am told that most things ginger will help, keeping hydrated and rest. I have put together a anti nausea kit for myself it includes soft ginger chews, three ginger tea, ginger cookies and agave nectar to help sweeten the tea naturally.

This new phase of the journey starts on October 23rd. I read something today on a friends blog that put a lot of things in my life into perspective. The post is called "Lessons from the Garden" by Belinda at Simply Belinda, here is an excerpt "
  1. Pruning is necessary for growth.
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit—John 15:2

There is such a thing as “divine pruning,” and God will not only cut off unfruitful branches, but even the fruitful branches must be cut so that they bear even more fruit. Wow. I continued to trim, and the imagery was so powerful. I had to cut off much of the tree—the Lord will build your faith by almost destroying it—but what remained was rich, green, and beautiful, like the tree planted by the water, which yields its fruit in season.

While reading this post it just verified what my Pastor had said to my husband and I a few Sundays before I had my surgery. He said Kevin and Caula, God is using this situation to bring you closer to him and to build the kingdom.

If you want to read more check out the link to Belinda's blog Simply Belinda here.

I just want to thank everyone for coming along with me on this journey and helping to make the journey a piece of cake, pink frosting of course.

Peace, Love and Blessings

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