Thursday, October 17, 2013

On the road to expansion

So on October 7th I had my first infusion of saline into my expanders and I also had my last 2 drain tubes removed! I did not have any saline infused at the time of my mastectomies on September 17th. When I asked the plastic surgeon about it she said that she preferred to wait until my stitches healed and after I had my drain tubes removed. About a week prior to this I also had my port placement done to get ready for chemotherapy.
During my first infusion I didn't know what to expect. I had watched a few videos on you tube but I was not prepared for what happened. The first one went rather well that was on the right side then when the left sides turn came it was a different story. It felt as if every nerve ending on that side of my chest was being stuck by this needle. I wanted to scream but I didn't because I didn't want to startle her while she still had the needle in me. Needless to say I was a little apprehensive about getting it done again but at least I knew what I was in for. This is a short video of what is used during an infusion/

This next video is after the infusion. How I felt and what may be next on the road to expansion.
For more information regarding tissue expansion please check out this link. I hope this helps to explain the procedure.

Until next time

Peace, Love and Blessings

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